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Session title

Computer tools for mathematical editing and scientific visualization


Andres Iglesias (U Cantabria)
Setsuo Takato (Toho University)


mathematical editing, web-mathematics, computer technologies for mathematical printout, scientific visualization


Computer tools for mathematical editing (such as scientific editors, word processors, graphical editors, mathematical utilities for the web and others) and for scientific artwork generation and visualization are becoming common tools in today?s technological world. Today?s authors are usually required to type scientific papers with embedded mathematical contents and sophisticated pictures and other artwork in order to yield high-quality camera-ready scientific documents and reports at full extent. As a consequence, there is an increasing demand of computer solutions for high-quality mathematical typesetting and editing and for generation, manipulation and visualization of scientific artwork both in the academic world and in many other publishing services.

The basic goal of this session is to open a forum for the exchange of ideas and dissemination of ongoing projects regarding high-quality editing of (either online or offline) mathematical documents and scientific visualization. The emphasis is on computer tools that, either standalone or in combination with others (in the form of plug-ins, libraries or similar), can substantially enhance current programs' capabilities to generate high-quality mathematical documents for pedagogical and scientific purposes. Preference would be given to open-source projects and freeware developments aimed at yielding low-cost materials. The session would accept papers addressing research and development issues and presenting technologies oriented to high-quality editing and printing of scientific materials with mathematical content. Examples might include Latex extensions and libraries, WYSIWYG mathematical editors and compilers, graphical extensions of computational systems for scientific printout, standards and developments for mathematical editing on the web, and so on. Papers exploring educational experiences by using these technologies in an original way might also be acceptable.