庵原 謙治
応用数理講座 助手
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Updated on : Oct. 24, 2006.

  1. Modules de Plus Haut Poids Unitarisables sur
    la Super-Algebre de Virasoro N=2 Tordue,
    preprint, pdf.file.
  2. (with Y. Koga)
    Tilting Equivalence for Superconformal Algebras,
    Math. Scand. 99, 2006, 17--52.
  3. (with Y. Koga)
    The structure of pre-Verma modules over the N=1 Ramond algebra,
    Lett. Math. Phys. 78, 2006, 89--96.
  4. (with Y. Koga)
    Second Homology of Lie Superalgebras,
    Math. Nach. 278, 2005, 1041--1053.
  5. (with Y. Koga)
    Representation Theory of N=2 super Virasoro algebra: Twisted sector,
    Jour. Funct. Anal. 214, 2004, 450--518.
  6. (with Y. Koga)
    Representation Theory of Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond Algebras II:
    Fock Modules, Ann. Inst. Fourier 53, 2003, 1755--1818.
  7. (with Y. Koga)
    Representation Theory of Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond Algebras I:
    Verma Modules, Adv. in Math. 178, 2003, 1--65.
  8. (with Y. Koga)
    Singular vectors of the N=1 superconformal algebra,
    Annals Henri Poincare 3, 2002, 19--27.
  9. (with Y. Koga)
    Wakimoto Modules for the Affine Lie Superalgebras A(m-1,n-1)^{(1)} and D(2,1,\alpha)^{(1)},
    Math. Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 132, 2002, 419--433.
  10. (with Y. Koga)
    Central Extensions of Lie Superalgebras, Comment. Math. Helv. 76, 2001, 110--154.
  11. (with Y. Koga)
    Fusion Algebras for N=1 Super Conformal Field Theories Through Coinvariants II:
    N=1 Super Virasoro-symmetry, Jour. Lie Th. 11, 2001, 305--337.
  12. (with Y. Koga)
    Fusion Algebras for N=1 Super Conformal Field Theories Through Coinvariants I:
    osp^(1|2)-symmetry, Jour. Reine Angew. Math. 531, 2001, 1--34.
  13. (with Y. Koga)
    R\'esolutions de type Bechi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin pour les Super-alg\`ebres de Virasoro N=1,
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er I 330, 2000, 541--555.

  1. Translation to English:
    Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, Transl. Monogr. 195, AMS, 2000.
    (originally written by M. Wakimoto and published from Iwanami Publishers).

  1. 古典的Beesel函数入門: pdf.file.
  2. Virasoro代数の表現論入門: pdf.file.