Program and Schedule


August 28:


l        19:00 -- 21:00        Early registration at the secretary room 



August 29:


l       7:30-- 9:00            Breakfast *

l       9:00-- 9:30            Registration at the conference room.

l       9:30-- 10:30        Alexander Kitaev,  (St. Petersburg)

Double Asymptotics of Special Functions of the Isomonodromy Type, I

l       10:30--11:00          Break

l       11:00--12:00          Alexander Kitaev,  (St. Petersburg)

Double Asymptotics of Special Functions of the Isomonodromy Type, II

l       12:00--14:00          Lunch **

l       14:00--15:00          Philip Boalch,  (SISSA, Trieste)

Symplectic Geometry and Isomonodromic Deformations, I

l       15:00--15:30          Break

l       15:30--16:30          Philip Boalch,  (SISSA, Trieste)

Symplectic Geometry and Isomonodromic Deformations, II

l       16:45--17:45          Valerio Toledano Laredo,  (Paris VI, RIMS)

Flat Connections and Quantum Groups

l       17:45--19:45          Dinner ***

l       19:45--21:00          Short Communications, Discussions


August 30:


l       7:30-- 9:00            Breakfast *

l       9:30-- 10:30          Jacques Hurtubise,  (CRM, Montreal)

Integrable systems and surfaces, I

l       10:30--11:00          Break 

l       11:00--12:00          Boris Dubrovin,  (SISSA, Trieste)

From classification of Frobenius manifolds to classification of integrable PDEs, I

l       12:00--14:00          Lunch **

l       14:00--15:00          Masatoshi Noumi, ( Kobe )

Birational Weyl Group Actions and their applications, I

l       15:00--15:30          Break

l       15:30--16:30          Masatoshi Noumi,  (Kobe )

Birational Weyl Group Actions and their applications, II

l       16:45--17:45          Norio Suzuki and Humihiko Watanabe, (Kitami)

Monodromy preserving deformation of the Heun equation and rational solutions of the sixth Painleve equation             

l       17:45--19:45          Dinner ***

l       19:45--21:00          Short Communications, Discussions



August 31:


l       7:30-- 9:00            Breakfast and check out **

l       9:10-- 10:10          Jacques Hurtubise,  (CRM, Montreal)

Integrable systems and surfaces, II

l       10:10--10:40          Break 

l       10:40--11:40          Boris Dubrovin,  (SISSA, Trieste)

From classification of Frobenius manifolds to classification of integrable PDEs, II

l       12:00                    End of the school