Last updated November 25, 1998

The 7th Japan-Korea School of Knots and Links

February 15 - 19, 1999

Professor Tsuyoshi Kobayashi will give a lecture at the school as follows:

Title: Classification of unknotting tunnels for two bridge knots
Abstract: In [R-S1], Rubinstein-Scharlemann introduced a powerful machinery , what is called {\it graphic}, for studying Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds, and obtained deep results on Reidemeister-Singer distance of two strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings of a 3-manifold.

In this talk, we introduce an orbifold version of the graphic, and use it to show that any unknottings tunnel of two bridge knots are isotopic to known ones. This result together with Morimoto-Sakuma's [M-S] result gives the complete classification of unknotting tunnels of two bridge knots.

[R-S1] H. Rubinstein and M. Scharlemann, Comparing Heegaard splittings of non-Haken 3-manifolds, Topology 35(1996), 1005--1026.

[M-S] K. Morimoto, and M. Sakuma, On unknotting tunnels for knots, Math. Ann. 289(1991), 143--167.

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