Last updated January 12, 1999

The 7th Japan-Korea School of Knots and Links

February 15 - 19, 1999

Professor Taizo Kanenobu will give a lecture at the school as follows:

Title: Link Polynomials and Finite Type Invariants
In the first half of this lecture, a definition of a finite type (Vassiliev) invariant for a knot will be given in an elementary way. We then show that each of the Conway, Jones, and HOMFLY polynomials is equivalent to an infinite sequence of finite type invariatns. We refer:
J. S. Birman: On the combinatorics of Vassiliev invariants, in Braid group, knot theory and statistical mechanics II, (M. L. Ge and C. N. Yang, eds.), Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, World Scientific (1994), pp. 1--19.
Chapter 15, Vassiliev Invariants in K. Murasugi: Knot Theory and its Applications, Birkhauser, Boston, (1996).
In the latter half, we consider a finite type invariant for an oriented link. In particular, we focus on linking numbers and give a new proof for a formula of Hoste concerning the first coefficient of the Conway polynomial of a link using finite type invariants. Furthermore, generalizing this formula, we evaluate the coefficient polynomials of the HOMFLY polynomial of a link, which also generalizes a formula of Lickorish and Millett.
We refer: T. Kanenobu, Y. Miyazawa and A. Tani: Vassiliev link invariants of order three, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 7 (1998), no. 4, 433--462.
T. Kanenobu: An evaluation of the coefficient polynomial of the HOMFLY polynomial of a link, preprint.

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