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: Operators in the group : Server stack machine : MathCap   Ìܼ¡


Example: We show examples of message_body. Serial numbers are omitted.

  1. executeStringByLocalParser("12345 ;");

    is converted into the following packet. Each number denotes one byte in hexadecimal representation. (yy) in xx(yy) represents the corresponding ASCII code.

    0   0   2   2   0   0   0   4   0   0   0   7  
    31(1)  32(2)  33(3)  34(4)  35(5)  20  3b(;)   
    0   0   2   1   0   0   1   c

    Each data has the following meaning.

    0   0   2   2  (OX_DATA) 0   0   0   4  (CMO_STRING)
    0   0   0   7  (size)
    31(1)  32(2)  33(3)  34(4)  35(5)  20  3b(;)   (data)
    0   0   2   1  (OX_COMMAND) 
    0   0   1   c  (SM_executeStringByLocalParser)
    This is expressed by OXexpression as follows.
    (OX_DATA, (CMO_STRING, 7, "12345 ;"))
    (OX_COMMAND, (SM_executeStringByLocalParser))

  2. A message which requests SM_popString:
    0   0   2   1  (OX_COMMAND) 
    0   0   1   7  (SM_popString)
    In OXexpression it is represented as (OX_COMMAND, (SM_popString)).

    The server returns the following reply message:

    0   0   2   2   (OX_DATA) 
    0   0   0   4   (CMO_STRING) 0   0   0   5  (size)
    31(1)  32(2)  33(3)  34(4)  35(5)
    In OXexpression it is represented as (OX_DATA, (CMO_STRING, 7, "12345 ;")).

Nobuki Takayama Heisei 28.8.27.