Dsolv Manual

Edition : auto generated by oxgentexi on May 9, 2024



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1 DSOLV Functions

This section is a collection of functions to solve regular holonomic systems in terms of series. Algorithms are explained in the book [SST]. You can load this package by the command load("dsolv.rr")$ This package requires Diff and dmodule.

To use the functions of the package dsolv in OpenXM/Risa/Asir, executing the command load("dsolv.rr")$ is necessary at first.

This package uses ox_sm1, so the variables you can use is as same as those you can use in the package sm1.

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1.1 Functions

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1.1.1 dsolv_dual


:: Grobner dual of f.



f, v


Algorithm: This is an implementation of Algorithm 2.3.14 of the book [SST]. If we replace variables x, y, ... in the output by log(x), log(y), ..., then these polynomials in log are solutions of the system of differential equations f_(x->x*dx, y->y*dy, ...).

[435] dsolv_dual([y-x^2,y+x^2],[x,y]);
[436] dsolv_act(y*dy-sm1.mul(x*dx,x*dx,[x,y]),log(x),[x,y]);
[437] dsolv_act(y*dy+sm1.mul(x*dx,x*dx,[x,y]),log(x),[x,y]);

[439] primadec([y^2-x^3,x^2*y^2],[x,y]);
[440] dsolv_dual([y^2-x^3,x^2*y^2],[x,y]);
[x*y^3+1/4*x^4*y, x^2*y, x*y^2+1/12*x^4, y^3+x^3*y,
 x^2, x*y, y^2+1/3*x^3, x, y, 1]

[441] dsolv_test_dual();
  Output is  omitted.

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1.1.2 dsolv_starting_term


:: Find the starting term of the solutions of the regular holonomic system f to the direction w.



f, v, w


Algorithm: Saito, Sturmfels, Takayama, Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations ([SST]), Chapter 2.

[1076]   F = sm1.gkz( [ [[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,0,-1,0],[0,1,1,-1,0]], [1,0,0]]);
[1077]  A= dsolv_starting_term(F[0],F[1],[1,1,1,1,0])$
Computing the initial ideal.
Computing a primary ideal decomposition.
Primary ideal decomposition of the initial Frobenius ideal 
to the direction [1,1,1,1,0] is 
----------- root is [ 0 0 0 0 1 ]
----------- dual system is 
[1078] A[0];
[[ 0 0 0 0 1 ]]
[1079] map(fctr,A[1][0]);

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dsolv_dual 1.1.1 dsolv_dual
dsolv_starting_term 1.1.2 dsolv_starting_term

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