Manual for ko-fbd

./a.out [options] [--1|--2] [x11 x12 x13 ... x22 x23 ... x33 ... ... y1 y2 y3 ... ]
		ko-fbd	- evaluate the Fisher-Bingham integral on n-dimensional sphere

		ko-fbd evaluate the Fisher-Bingham integral and initial value for HGD.

		./ko-fbd [options] x11 x12 x13 ... x22 x23 ... x33 ... ... y1 y2 y3 ... 

	The  options  may  be  given in any order.  Options without an argument can be combined
       	after a single dash.
	--1	Compute the integral \int_{S^n}\exp(\sum_{i\leq j} x_{ij}t_it_j+y_it_i)|dt|.
	--2	Compute the integral \int_{S^n}\exp(\sum_{i,    j} x_{ij}t_it_j+y_it_i)|dt|.
	-h, --help
		Give a bit of help about the command line arguments and options.
		output detail result. For example, 
		the initial point and the initial value of the Runge-Kutta.
	-c, --confidence
		estimate confidence intervals stated at the 95 percent confidence level	
	-f {filename}, --file {filename}
		Read a matrix and a vector from file.
		measure  the computational times.
		When the input matrix is diagonal, user can omit inputting non-diagonal element
		with this option as 
			./ko-fbd --diag x_11 x_22 ... x_nn y_1 y_2 ... y_n
	--rkerror {floating number}
		control the  error values of Runge-Kutta method

		The command:
			./ko-fbd 1.23 2.39 3.22 2.12 3.32
		evaluates the Fisher-Bingham integral on 1 dimensional integral
			=\int_{S^1} \exp((t,Xt)+(y,t)) |dt|
			=\int_{S^1} \exp(x11*t1^2+x12*t1*t2+x22*t2^2+y1*t1+y2*y2) |dt|
		        /  x11   x12/2  \   / 1.23   2.39/2 \      / y1 \   / 2.12 \
		   X =  |               | = |               |, Y = |    | = |      |
		        \ x12/2   x22   /   \ 2.39/2  3.22  /      \ y2 /   \ 3.32 /.

		This command will return outputs
			 dim: 1
			 input matrix and vector:
			 1.230000 1.195000 :2.120000
			 1.195000 3.220000 :3.320000
		The input matrix and vector are the values of X and Y. The result is the 
		value of F(X,Y)

		The long option "--2" omits dividing non-diagonal element of X. Hence, 
		the command:
			./ko-fbd 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 --2
		returns the value of
			=\int_{S^1} \exp((t,Xt)+(y,t)) |dt|
			=\int_{S^1} \exp(x11*t1^2+2*x12*t1*t2+x22*t2^2+y1*t1+y2*y2) |dt|
		        / x11  x12  \   / 1.0  2.0 \      / y1 \   / 4.0 \
		   X =  |           | = |          |, Y = |    | = |     |
		        \ x12  x22  /   \ 2.0  3.0 /      \ y2 /   \ 5.0 /.

		If the matrix X is diagonal, user can omit inputting non-diagonal element
		with "--diag" option. The command:
			./ko-fbd 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 --diag
		evaluate the Fisher-Bingham integral at 
		        / x11   0   \   / 1.0  0.0 \      / y1 \   / 3.0 \
		   X =  |           | = |          |, Y = |    | = |     |
		        \  0   x22  /   \ 0.0  2.0 /      \ y2 /   \ 4.0 /.

		Matrix X and  vector Y can be read from a file. 
		The command: 
			./ko-fbd -f foo.txt
		returns same result with the command;
			./ko-fbd 1.23 2.39 3.22 2.12 3.32
		if the following text is written in foo.txt.

				1.230000 2.390000
				2.390000 3.220000

				2.120000 3.320000

		The number in the first line of foo.txt have to be the dimension of
		the sphere. 
		The option "-f" and "--f" are available with the option "--diag".
		In this case, the format of the input file is as follows:
				x11 x22 ... xnn
				y1  y2  ... yn.
		For example, the command: 
			./ko-fbd -f foo.txt --diag
		returns same result with the command:
			./ko-fbd 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 --diag
		if the following text is written in foo.txt.
				1.0 2.0
				3.0 4.0


	This program is based on the article
		 Tamio Koyama, Hiromasa Nakayama, Kenta Nishiyama, Nobuki Takayama:
		 Holonomic Gradient Descent for the Fisher-Bingham Distribution on 
		 the $n$-dimensional Sphere, arXiv:1201.3239.