Mathematical Logic and Computers

The workshop "Mathematical Logic and Computers" is a satellite workshop of ALC 10. Kobe University is a center of developping computer algebra systems, studying algebraic algorithms and editing a collection of mathematical software systems. For example, some local people here work hard for editing Knoppix/Math DVD series, which include proof checkers coq and hol. In the ocasion of the ALC 10, we plan to have a one day workshop for logicians, researchers in algorithms, and developpers of software systems for possible future interdiciplinary researches.
Organizers: Nobuki Takayama and Toshiyasu Arai.

Place: Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science(Faculty of Science), Kobe University, room B314 (Building B of the graduate school of science, Room 314(π)).
Date: August 31, 2008 (Sun)
How to reach to the room B314? Click Here . The building B is near the ALC 10 conference place (10 minutes by walk).

Hotel reservation for participants: If you are not invited speaker, please reserve a hotel by yourself for the Saturday night. ALC 10 will reserve rooms only for the ALC 10 period. You can reserve a room in the downtown of Kobe, for example, by For example, "Sannomiya terminal hotel", which is near the airport limousine bus stop, in this picture (left) , is listed in the If you have a hardship for reserving a room, please contact to


9:30--10:30     Jeremy Avigad , Formally Verified Mathematics, in Theory and Practice.  Abstract 

11:00--12:00    Alan Woods ,  Quadratic equations over GF(q), and proofs of unsatisfiability.  Abstract 

Lunch break.  (The campus cafeterias are closed on Sunday. We recommend you to bring a lunch box, which you can buy at convenience stores.)

13:20--14:20   Michael Beeson , Mathematical Logic and Computers.  Abstract 

14:50--15:50     Freek Wiedijk ,  Merging the Procedural and Declarative Proof Styles

16:20--17:20    Yatsuka Nakamura, The Jordan Curve Theorem and Mizar Mathematical Library   

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