
Speaker: Ruyong Feng. Title: Parallel Differential Telescoping

Abstract: Creative telescoping is a powerful technique for treating symbolic sums and integrals in an algorithmic way. This technique now has been applied to many problems from various areas of mathematics and physics. As a kind of this technique, differential creative telescoping produces from an integrand a linear differential operator satisfied by the integral. Motivated by the direct problem in parametrized differential Galois theory, we introduce the notion of parallel differential telescoping, which is a natural generalization of differential creative telescoping for single integrals to integrals of differential forms. Precisely, let $K=k(t,x_1,\cdots,x_m)$ be the field of rational functions over $k$ and
$\omega= \sum_{1\leq i_1 < i_2\cdots < i_p\leq n}f_{i_1i_2\cdots i_p}dx_{x_1}dx_{i_2}\cdots dx_{i_p}$
be a differential $p$-form, where the $f_{i_1i_2\cdots i_p}$ are elements in some differential extension field of $K$. Parallel differential telescoping produces a nonzero operator $L$ in $k(t)[\partial/\partial_t]$, called a parallel telescoper, such that
$L(\omega)=\sum_{1\leq i_1 < i_2\cdots < i_p\leq m}L(f_{i_1i_2\cdots i_p})dx_{i_1}dx_{i_2}\cdots dx_{i_p}=d(\eta)$
where $\eta$ is a differential $p-1$-form and $d$ is the exterior derivative operator with respect to $x_1,\cdots,x_m$. In this talk, we first recall differential creative telescoping and then give a brief introduction to parametrized differential Galois theory. After these, we present a necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing the existence of parallel telescopers for differential forms $\omega$ with $f_{i_1i_2\cdots i_p}$ in the set of differentially finite functions over $K$. When restricting $f_{i_1i_2\cdots i_p}$ to hyperexponential functions or algebraic functions over $K$, we present algorithms for deciding whether the operator $L$ exists or not and algorithms for computing $L$ if it exists. Finally, we discuss some applications. This is joint work with Shaoshi Chen, Ziming Li, Michael F. Singer and Stephen Watt.

Speaker: Christoph Koutschan. Title: Reduction-Based Creative Telescoping for Algebraic Functions

Abstract: Creative telescoping is a powerful technique to tackle summation and integration problems symbolically, but it can be computationally very costly. Many existing algorithms compute two objects, called telescoper and certificate, but in many applications only the first one is of interest, while typically the second one is larger in size. In the past few years a new direction of research was initiated, namely to develop creative telescoping algorithms that are based on Hermite-type reductions, which avoid the computation of the certificate and therefore can be more efficient in practice. We develop a new algorithm to construct minimal telescopers for algebraic functions, based on Trager's reduction and on a so-called polynomial reduction. The latter was originally designed for hyperexponential functions and is now extended to the algebraic case. We view these results as a step towards a reduction-based creative telescoping algorithm for general holonomic functions. In this talk, we will also discuss some future directions to achieve this goal. This is joint work with Shaoshi Chen and Manuel Kauers.

Speaker: Maximilian Jaroschek. Title: Desingularization of First Order Linear Difference Systems with Rational Function Coefficients

Abstract: It is well known that for a first order system of linear difference equations with rational function coefficients, a solution that is holomorphic in some left half plane can be analytically continued to a meromorphic solution in the whole complex plane. The poles stem from the singularities of the rational function coefficients of the system. Just as for systems of differential equations, not all of these singularities necessarily lead to poles in a solution, as they might be what is called removable. In our work, we show how to detect and remove these singularities and further study the connection between poles of solutions, removable singularities and the extension of numerical sequences at these points.

Speaker: Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos. Tentative title: Polyhedra, Symbolic Computation and Applications

Abstract: The use of polyhedral geometry in the solution of combinatorial, number theoretic and algebraic problems is gaining momentum in the last decades. In the first part of this talk, Polyhedral Omega will be presented, an algorithm combining ideas from polyhedral geometry and the theory of integer partitions. In the second part we will explore applications and current research on the topic.