Kentaro MITSUI

Kentaro MITSUI

Department of Mathematics,
Graduate School of Science, Kobe University
Division : Algebra
Assistant Professor
Building B, Room 422

Research Field : Algebraic fibrations of curves

Research Summary : I study classification problems on algebraic varieties by fundamental invariants such as Kodaira dimensions and fundamental groups by the following methods: (1) separable quotients and inseparable quotients; (2) rigid analytic geometry (non-Archimedean analytic geometry and formal geometry) and arithmetic geometry.

Primary Publications :
  1. Quotient singularities of products of two curves, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier.
  2. Frobenius base change of torsors, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 223(2019), no. 2, 553-570.
  3. Models of torsors under elliptic curves, PMB Algèbre et Théorie des Nombres, 2017/1(2017), 79-108.
  4. The direct image sheaf f*(OX) (with Iku Nakamura), Tokyo J. Math., 39(2017), no. 3, 777-782.
  5. Canonical bundle formula and base change, J. Algebraic Geom., 25(2016), no. 4, 775-814.
  6. Growth of critical points of one-dimensional lattice systems (with Masayuki Asaoka, Tomohiro Fukaya, and Masaki Tsukamoto), J. Anal. Math., 127(2015), no. 1, 47-68.
  7. Homotopy exact sequences and orbifolds, Algebra Number Theory, 9(2015), no. 5, 1089-1136. Errata
  8. On a question of Zariski on Zariski surfaces, Math. Z., 276(2014), no. 1-2, 237-242.
  9. Logarithmic transformations of rigid analytic elliptic surfaces, Math. Ann., 355(2013), no. 3, 1123-1170.
  10. Bimeromorphic geometry of rigid analytic surfaces, Int. J. Math., 22(2011), no. 4, 483-513.