Yoshiaki GOTO

Yoshiaki GOTO

Department of Mathematics,
Graduate School of Science, Kobe University
Division : Applied Mathematics
Assistant Professor
Building B, Room 315

Research Field : Hypergeometric functions

Research Summary : I study hypergeometric functions with Euler-type integral representations. I take advantage of the twisted (co)homology groups induced from the integral representation, and of the intersection forms on them. By using these tools, I try to find new functional equations and investigate the monodromy representations and the Pfaffian systems.
Hypergeometric functions appear as period integrals of some algebraic varieties. I am also interested in the algebraic or analytic structure of these varieties.

Primary Publications :
  1. Yoshiaki Goto, Functional equations for Appell's F1 arising from transformations of elliptic curves, Funkcial. Ekvac. 56 (2013), no. 3, 379-396.
  2. Yoshiaki Goto, Twisted cycles and twisted period relations for Lauricella's hypergeometric function FC, Internat. J. Math. 24 (2013), no. 12, 1350094, 19 pp.
  3. Yoshiaki Goto and Keiji Matsumoto, The monodromy representation and twisted period relations for Appell's hypergeometric function F4, to appear in Nagoya Math. J.