Department of Mathematics,
Graduate School of Science, Kobe University
Division : Algebra
Building B, Room 326

Research Field : Vector bundles on algebraic varieties

Research Summary : I study moduli of stable sheaves on algebraic surfaces. In particular, I computed topological invariants of moduli spaces such as Euler characteristic. I also have works on Donaldson invariants of algebraic surfaces.

Primary Publications :
  1. K. Yoshioka: The Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable sheaves of rank $2$ on $P^2$, J. Reine Angew. Math., 453 (1994), 193--220.
  2. K. Yoshioka: Some examples of Mukai's reflections on $K3$ surfaces, J. Reine Angew. Math. 515 (1999), 97--123.
  3. H. Nakajima and K. Yoshioka: Instanton counting on blowup. I. 4-dimensional pure gauge theory, Invent. Math. 162 (2005), 313--355.