1. Alfred G. Noel, A general computational scheme for testing admissibility of nilpotent orbits of real Lie groups of inner type,(moved to Sep 1, Evening) streaming video
  2. A. Iglesias, R. Ipanaque, R.T. Urbina, Symbolic Manipulation of Bspline Basis Functions with Mathematica streaming video
  3. V. Alvarez, J.A. Armario, M.D. Frau, P. Real, A Mathematica notebook for computing the homology of iterated products of groups streaming video
  4. Vitaly Eltekov, Applications of Planner B in Mathematical Logic streaming video
  5. Xin Li, Marc Moreno Maza, Efficient Implementation of Polynomial Arithmetic in a Multiple-level Programing Environment streaming video
  6. Masayoshi Sekiguchi, Satoshi Yamashita, and Setsuo Takato, Development of a Maple Macro Package Suitable for Drawing Fine TEX-Pictures streaming video
  7. Hitoshi Yanami, Hirokazu Anai, SynRAC: A Maple Toolbox for solving real algebraic constraints streaming video
  8. Akemi Galvez, Andres Iglesias, Matlab-Based Problem-Solving Environment for Geometric Processing of Surfaces streaming video