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degreesRing(Ring) -- the ring of degrees



This function produces a Laurent polynomial ring in n variablesT_0, ... , T_{n-1} whose monomials are the degrees of elements of the given ring. If n=1, then the variable has no subscript.
i1 : R =  ZZ [x, y];
i2 : degreesRing R

o2 = ZZ [T, MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]

o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : S = ZZ[x,y, Degrees=>{{1,1},{1,1}}];
i4 : degreesRing S

o4 = ZZ [T , T , MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]
          0   1

o4 : PolynomialRing