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finding your files under cygwin

In Microsoft Windows, most people run programs by pulling down menus or by clicking on icons that have been carefully placed there by install programs. Thus the idea of a path along which to search for programs (such as a browser) is no longer useful in Windows.

On my computer the browser program firefox.exe is in the following directory.

    c:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox
But M2 is a Cygwin program, and it lives in a different world, where paths to files don't ever start out with something like c:. In that world, that directory is known instead as:
     /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox
Conversely, the root directory known in the Cygwin world as / could be located anywhere in the Windows world. On my machine it is at
Use the df command in a cygwin command shell window to determine that path: it is the file system on which / is mounted.

At least we can get back and forth between the two worlds.

Assuming you use a Bourne shell such as bash, you can edit your .profile and add that directory to your PATH with a command like this:

    export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox":$PATH
Then M2 will be able to start firefox, but it will have trouble telling it where any files are. It may tell firefox to look at
but firefox lives in the windows world and wants to be told to look at
instead. The same problem holds for the index.html file in your directory $HOME/.Macaulay2, because the absolute links there look like that, too.

For now the solution is to find your Cygwin files, start up firefox the usual way (from a menu), navigate to the appropriate version of

somehow and make a bookmark there.

It would be nice if there were a cygwin version of firefox, for then it and its file names would live in the cygwin world, and those absolute links would work. Perhaps there will be one soon, and I won't have to think about adjusting those links. We should probably just make the links relative, so that once you navigate to s:/cygwin/$HOME/.Macaulay2/index.html from the windows world and bookmark it, the links will work.