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hilbertSeries(Ideal) -- compute the Hilbert series of the quotient of the ambient ring by the ideal



We compute the Hilbert series of R/I, the quotient of the ambient ring by the ideal. Caution: For an ideal I running hilbertSeries I calculates the Hilbert series of R/I.
i1 : R = ZZ/101[x, Degrees => {2}];
i2 : I = ideal x^2

o2 = ideal(x )

o2 : Ideal of R
i3 : s = hilbertSeries I

      1 - T
o3 = --------
     (1 - T )

o3 : Expression of class Divide
i4 : numerator s

o4 = 1 - T

o4 : ZZ [T, MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]
i5 : poincare I

o5 = 1 - T

o5 : ZZ [T, MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]
i6 : reduceHilbert s

     1 + T
o6 = ------

o6 : Expression of class Divide
Recall that the variables of the power series are the variables of the degrees ring.
i7 : R=ZZ/101[x, Degrees => {{1,1}}];
i8 : I = ideal x^2;

o8 : Ideal of R
i9 : s = hilbertSeries I

           2 2
      1 - T T
           0 1
o9 = ----------
     (1 - T T )
           0 1

o9 : Expression of class Divide
i10 : numerator s

           2 2
o10 = 1 - T T
           0 1

o10 : ZZ [T , T , MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]
           0   1
i11 : poincare I

           2 2
o11 = 1 - T T
           0 1

o11 : ZZ [T , T , MonomialOrder => RevLex, Inverses => true]
           0   1
i12 : reduceHilbert s

      1 + T T
           0 1
o12 = --------

o12 : Expression of class Divide


As is often the case, calling this function on an ideal I actually computes it for R/I where R is the ring of I.