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isNormal(Ring) -- determine whether a reduced ring is normal



i1 : R = ZZ/101[x,y,z]/ideal(x^6-z^6-y^2*z^4);
i2 : isNormal R

o2 = false
i3 : S = ZZ/101[a_7,a_6,x,y,z]/ideal(x^2-a_6*z,a_6*x-a_7*z,a_6^2-a_7*x,a_7^2-y^2-z^2)

o3 = S

o3 : QuotientRing
i4 : isNormal S

o4 = true

In the example above S is the integral closure of R given in the form T/J where T is a polynomial ring and J is an ideal.