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status -- status of a resolution computation



status C -- displays the status of the computation of a chain complex C constructed by resolution. The display has the same shape as the display produced by betti, but the number(s) displayed in each degree differ.


  • TotalPairs -- display the total number of S-pairs, default value true
  • PairsRemaining -- display the number of S-pairs remaining, default value false
  • Monomials -- display the number of monomials, default value false
i1 : R = QQ[a..d]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : D = res coker random(R^2,R^{4:-2})

      2      4      4      2
o2 = R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- 0
     0      1      2      3      4

o2 : ChainComplex
i3 : status(D, TotalPairs => true, PairsRemaining => true, Monomials => true)

o3 = (total pairs,pairs remaining,monomials)

     total: (2,0,0) (4,0,547) (20,0,1156) (8,0,410)
         0: (2,0,0)     .          .          .    
         1:    .    (4,0,72)   (2,0,12)       .    
         2:    .    (0,0,51)   (2,0,36)       .    
         3:    .    (0,0,79)   (4,0,48)   (2,0,22) 
         4:    .    (0,0,210)  (8,0,405)  (4,0,79) 
         5:    .    (0,0,135)  (4,0,655)  (2,0,309)

Ways to use status :