Topics in Ergodic Theory

Seminar room 3, 14 - 203, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University

2001 December 6 - 8

December 6:

9: 30 - 10: 20 Yong Moo, Chung (Hiroshima Univ.)
Metric entropy and periodic orbits for $C^1$ interval maps

10: 30 - 11: 20 Nobuo Aoki (Chuo Univ.)
Surveys on Smooth Ergodic Theory I

13: 00 - 13: 50 Pierre Arnoux (Luminy)
Geometric representation of substitutions: a result by Barge and Diamond

14: 00 - 14: 50 Katusi Fukuyama (Kobe Univ.)
Gap Theorems I

15: 20 - 15: 40 Ryuji Abe
On a complex continued fractional expansion associated with Picard group

15: 40 - 16: 00 Atsushi Imai, Yasuhiro Kawasaki (Kyushu Univ.)
On the Comparison Between the Euclidean Metric and the Martin Metric on the Sierpinski Gasket

16: 10 - 17: 00 Takehiko Morita (Hiroshima Univ.)
Recent topics on scattering open billiard I

December 7:

9: 30 - 10: 20 Sujin Shin (Ajou Univ.)
Invariant measures for piecewise convex transformations of an interval

10: 30 - 11: 20 Nobuo Aoki (Chuo Univ.)
Surveys on Smooth Ergodic Theory II

13: 00 - 13: 50 Valerie Berthe (Luminy)
Around Ostrowski's numeration system

14: 00 - 14: 50 Katusi Fukuyama (Kobe Univ.)
Gap Theorems II

15: 20 - 15: 40 Rie Natsui (Keio Univ.)
On $\alpha$-continued fraction transformations which are not continued fraction mixing

15: 40 - 16: 00 Kokoro Inoue (Kyushu Univ.)
Group extensions and multiple recurrence of infinite memeasure preserving transformations

16: 10 - 17: 00 Takehiko Morita (Hiroshima Univ.)
Recent topics on scattering open billiard II

December 8:

9: 30 - 10: 20 Michiko Yuri (Sapporo Univ.)
Weak Gibbs measures and the local product structure

10: 30 - 11: 20 Nobuo Aoki (Chuo Univ.)
Surveys on Smooth Ergodic Theory III

13: 00 - 13: 50 Rao Hui (Wuhan Univ.)
Number Systems and Self-similar Tilings

14: 00 - 14: 50 Katusi Fukuyama (Kobe Univ.)
Gap Theorems III

15: 20 - 16: 00 Short communications

16: 10 - 17: 00 Takehiko Morita (Hiroshima Univ.)
Recent topics on scattering open billiard III