Probability Theory and Geometry

kawai Hall, Tohoku University

November 21 - 23

November 21:

10:20--11:10 Atsushi Kasue (Kanazawa)
Compact sets of regular Dirichlet spaces

11:30--12:20 Jyunya Takahashi (Tokyo)
Small eigenvalues on $p$-forms for collapsing of the even dimensional spheres

13:50--14:40 Takashi Shioya (Tohoku)
Collapsing of warped product spaces and one-dimensional diffusion processes

15:00--15:50 Kazuhiro Kuwae (Yokohama)
On a variational convergence over CAT(0)-spaces

16:10--17:00 Yukio Otsu (Kyushu)
Nets and Laplacian of Alexandrov spaces

November 22

10:20--11:10 Satoshi Ishiwata (Tohoku)
A central limit theorem on a nilpotent covering graph

11:30--12:20 Kazumasa Kuwada (Kyoto)
Large deviations for a class of random currents

13:50--14:40 David Elworthy (Warwick)
Towards an $L^2$ Hodge Theory on path spaces

15:00--15:50 Shigeki Aida (Osaka)
Semiclassical analysis on the Winer space

16:10--17:00 Atsushi Katsuda (Okayama)
Stability and reconstruction in Gel'fand inverse boundary spectral problem

November 23

10:20--11:10 Hiroyuki Matsumoto (Nagoya)
Closed form formulae for the heat kernels and the Green functions for the Laplacians on the hyperbolic spaces

11:30--12:20 Toshikazu Sunada (Tohoku)
Geometric aspects of large deviations for random walks on a crystal lattice