Number Theory and Probability Theory
International Hall, Kyushu Univ.
2001 October 29 - 31
29 October:
- 9:30 --- 10:30 Koji Matsumoto (Nagoya Univ.)
- Probabilistic value distribution theory of zeta functions < Part I: limit themrems>
- 10:45 --- 11:45 Koji Matsumoto (Nagoya Univ.)
- Probabilistic value distribution theory of zeta functions < Part I: universality themrems>
- 13:30 --- 14:30 Takakazu Sato (Saitama Univ.)
- Calculation time of order calculation of elliptic curves
- 14:45 --- 15:15 Katusi Fukuyama (Kobe Univ.)
- Limit theorems for lacunary series
- 15:30 --- 16:30 Hirosih Kaneko (Tokyo Sci. Univ.)
- Levy processes on p-adic field: global properties and related stochastic processes
- 16:45 --- 17:45 Kumi Yasuda (Kyushu Univ.)
- Trace formula and Markov processes on the p-adic upper half-plane
30 October
- 9:30 --- 10:30 Shinya Koyama (Keio Univ.)
- Quantum Ergodicity of Automorphic Forms (I)
- 10:45 --- 11:45 Shinya Koyama (Keio Univ.)
- Quantum Ergodicity of Automorphic Forms (II)
- 13:30 --- 14:30 Takehiko Fujita (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
- Diaphony of generalized van der Corput sequences
- 14:45 --- 15:45 Hitoshi Nakada (Keio Univ.)
- On Legendre Theory and Lenstra constant of Rosen type continued fraction related to Hecke group
- 16:00 --- 17:00 Rie Natui (Keio Univ.)
- Stochastic behaviour of expansion coefficients of Jacobi-Perron Algorithm -treatment as stationary sequence of random variables with infinite expectation -
31 October
- 9:30 --- 10:30 Hirofumi Nagoshi (Kyoto Univ.)
- Universatily theorems on L functions (I)
- 10:45 --- 11:45 Hirofumi Nagoshi (Kyoto Univ.)
- Universatily theorems on L functions (II)
- 13:30 --- 14:30 Masumi Nakajima (Kagoshima Kokusai Univ.)
- Ergodic properties for Besicovitch's almost periodic functions including the Riemann zeta function
- 14:45 --- 15:45 Hiroshi Sugita (Kyushu Univ.)
- Probalility of two integers to be co-prime, revisited
- 16:00 --- 17:00 Satoshi Takanobu (Kanazawa Univ.)
- Limit theorems for stochastic extension of completely additive function