Kodama's home / tips.
Wake On Lan(WOL) means to wake up or power on remote PCs with LAN access using Magic Packet technology. The Maic Packet is a broadcast packet containing MAC address of PCs. See Magic Packet for more details. We need a list of MAC address(or Ether address) to make Magic Packets. See "making a list of ether address". See also "Wake On Lan(WOL) with ping comand".
$ ruby wakeonlan.rb [broadcast_address] < data_textEach line of data text is of the form "ip_address host_name MAC_address". host1 101:102:103:104:105:106 host2 201:102:103:104:105:106 host3 301:102:103:104:105:106
require "wakeonlan" wol=WakeOnLan.new wol.wake("101:102:103:104:105:106", "", "") # args: MAC_address Broadcast IP_address wol.close
Kodama's home / tips.