Tentative Program
Abstracts of lectures
Links to projects
List of lectures with links (Preprints and software systems linked are included only in the conference DVD)
(tex source 1,
tex source 2
of "Abstracts of lectures")
Rooms and timetable
There are three rooms available:
Room A (aprox. 120 people), Room B (aprox. 30 people), Room C (aprox. 30 people).
[Precise time tables of each session may be posted at the conference site
by session chairs.]
Sep 1. Coffee will be served at 11:00 and 17:00.
9:00 -- 9:45 |
10:00 -- 13:20 |
Lunch |
15:30 -- 18:30 |
18:30 -- 19:30 |
Room A |
Opening |
7(J. van der Hoeven) |
7 (J. van der Hoeven) |
7 (J. van der Hoeven) |
Room B |
5 (K.Nakamula, M.Pohst) |
6 (D.Sevilla, J.Gutierrez) |
A.Noel |
Room C |
2 (K.Polthier) |
10 (P.Libbrecht) |
Sep 2. Coffee will be served at 11:00 and 17:00.
9:00 -- 12:20 |
12:30 -- 13:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 -- 18:30 |
18:30 -- 19:30 |
Room A |
0 (General) |
Plenary: J.B.Lasserre, Moments, Sum of Squares and Semidefinite Programming |
0 (General) |
0 (General) |
Room B |
8 (K.Fukuda, M.Joswig) |
8 (K.Fukuda, M.Joswig) |
D.Lichtblau |
Room C |
9 (A.Gil, J.Seguara) |
9 (A.Gil, J.Seguara) |
Sep 3. Coffee will be served at 11:00 and 17:00.
9:00 -- 12:20 |
12:30 -- 13:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 -- 18:30 |
18:30 -- 19:30 |
Room A |
4 (N.Takayama) |
Plenary: J.Harrison, Formalizing Mathematics |
4 (N.Takayama) |
Room B |
1 (A.Iglesias, T.Ida) |
1 (A.Iglesias, T.Ida) |
Room C |
3 (F.Weidijk) |
3 (F.Weidijk) |
New Project
O1. I missed interesting lectures because of the parallel sessions
We will take videos of lectures.
Speakers, of course, may decline to take the video if they do not want.
Videos are stored in a server during the conferece.
Copies for backup will be stored by Nobuki Takayama (PC chair).
If there is an agreement of the speaker, we will put the video on a web
or include it in our mathsofware DVD series.
O2. There were few connections with the main ICM in the last icms2002.
We will have our own booth mathsoftware.org (27) at the main ICM at Madrid.
We will distribute our conference DVDs and we have two free entry passes
to stay at the booth to discuss with mathematicians.
If you could come to the booth, please send a mail to the PC chair.
Session schedules.
Minimum size of each lecture is 25 minutes.
Session 1. New Developments on Computer Algebra Packages, Andres Iglesias, Tetsuo Ida
Date: Sep 3. Morning and Afternoon.
1. Alfred G. Noel,
A general computational scheme for testing admissibility of nilpotent orbits of real Lie groups of inner type [Moved to Sep 1, Evening B.]
2. A. Iglesias, R. Ipanaque, R.T. Urbina,
Symbolic Manipulation of Bspline Basis Functions with Mathematica
3. V. Alvarez, J.A. Armario, M.D. Frau, P. Real,
A Mathematica notebook for computing the homology of iterated products of groups
4. Vitaly Eltekov,
Applications of Planner B in Mathematical Logic
5. Igor Gachkov,
Package CodingTheory.m in Mathematica for finding quasi-perfect codes
6. Xin Li, Marc Moreno Maza,
Efficient Implementation of Polynomial Arithmetic in a Multiple-level Programing Environment
7. Masayoshi Sekiguchi, Satoshi Yamashita, and Setsuo Takato,
Development of a Maple Macro Package Suitable for Drawing Fine TEX-Pictures
8. Hitoshi Yanami, Hirokazu Anai,
SynRAC: A Maple Toolbox for solving real algebraic constraints
9. Akemi Galvez, Andres Iglesias,
Matlab-Based Problem-Solving Environment for Geometric Processing of Surfaces
Session 2. Interfacing Computer Algebra and Mathematical Visualization, Konrad Polthier
Date Sep 1. Morning.
1. Predrag Janicic,
GCLC --- A Tool for Constructive Euclidean Geometry and More than That
2. Tim Hoffmann and Markus Schmies,
jReality, jtem, and oorange --- a way to do math with computers
3. Christopher Creutzig,
SciFace Software, MuPAD's graphics system
4. Hans-Christian Hege,
Visualization of Dynamical Systems
5. Martin von Gagern,
Hyperbolic Ornaments - Drawing in Non-Euclidean Crystallographic groups
Session 3. Computer Mathematics, Freek Weidijk, advisory organizer: Henk Barendregt
Date: Sep 3. Morning and Afternoon.
1. 09:00--09:40, Georges Gonthier, The Computer Mathematics of Planarity
2. 09:40--10:20, Jeremy Avigad, Verifying real inequalities
3. 10:20--11:00, Tom Hales, Relaxation and the Kepler Conjecture
4. 11:30--12:20, John Harrison,
HOL Light (demo)
5. 15:30--16:20, Andrzej Trybulec,
Mizar (demo)
6. 16:20--17:10, Rob Arthan,
ProofPower (demo)
7. 17:30--18:20, Laurent Thery,
Coq (demo)
Session 4. Software for Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics, Nobuki Takayama, advisory organizer: Gert-Martin Greuel
Date: Sep. 3. Morning and Afternoon.
Morning. 25min.
1. 9:00--9:25, Masayuki Noro,
An Efficient Implementation for Computing Groebner bases over algebraic number fields
2. 9:30--9:55, M. Caboara, S. Faridi and P. Selinger,
Tree checking for Sparse Complexes
3. 10:00--10:25, Amir Hashemi,
Strong Noether Position
4. 10:30--10:55, Daniel Lichtblau,
Cylinders Through Five Points: Computational Algebra and Geometry
5. 11:20--11:45, Fabrizio Caruso,
The SARAG Library
6. 11:50--12:15, Oliver Labs,
Real-time interactive visualization of deformations of singularities
Afternoon. 25 min except 6.
7. 15:30--16:20, Gerhard Pfister,
On the implementation of resolution of singularities in Singular , (50min)
8. 16:25--16:50, Francisco Castro-Jimenez,
Explicit calculations in rings of differential operators and applications
9. 17:20--17:45, Francisco J. Caldereron Moreno, Luis Narvaez Macarro,
Intersection complexes by means of logarithmic D-modules
10. 17:50--18:15, Viktor Levandosky,
GR-algebras and non-commutative Groebern bases and Plural
Session 5. Number Theoretical Software, Ken Nakamula, Michael Pohst
Date: Sep. 1. Morning.
1. 10:00--10:25, Sergey S. Lyalin, Nikolai Yu. Zolotykh,
Arageli: a Library for Algebraic Computations. Overview of Architecture.
2. 10:25--11:00, MATSUI Tetsushi,
Development of NZMATH
3. 11:20--11:55, Sebastian Freundt, Aneesh Karve, Anita Krahmann, Sebastian Pauli,
KASH: Recent Developments
4. 12:30--13:15, FUKUDA, Takashi,
TC - an interpreter of multi-precision C language
Session 6. Methods in Computational Number Theory, David Sevilla, Jaime Gutierrez
Date: Sep. 1. Afternoon.
1. ???
2. Daniel Lichtblau,
Making Change and Finding Repfigits: Balancing a Knapsack,
[ move to Sep 2. Evening B]
3. Niels Moller,
Robust HGCD with No Backup Steps
4. Feng Wang, Yasuyuki Nogami, and Yoshitaka Morikawa,
A High-Speed Square Root Algorithm in Extension Fields
5. Hirehiro Katou, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa,
Cyclic Vector Multiplication is Efficient for Small Extension Degrees
Session 7. Free Software for Computer Algebra, Joris Van der Hoeven
Date: Sep. 1. Morning and Afternoon and evening
All lectures are 25+5 min.
1. 10:00--10:30, Chris Dams,
GiNaC Is Not A Computer algebra system,
2. 10:30--11:00, Torbjorn Granlund,
3. 11:30--12:00, Richard Creckel,
4. 12:00--12:30, Bernard Mourrain,
5. 12:30--13:00, John Abbot,
6. 15:30--16:00, Daniel R. Grayson,
Macaulay 2, a software system for algebraic geometry
7. 16:00--16:30, Gerhard Pfister,
8. 16:30--17:00, Steve Linton,
9. 17:15--17:45, Andrey Grozin,
TeXmacs interfaces to computer algebra systems
10. 17:45--18:15, M. Moreno Maza,
Axiom, (not firmly confirmed)
11. 18:30--19:00, Olivier Ruatta,
Mathemagix and Mmxlib
12. 19:00--19:30, Ivan Noyer
Mechanized Calculus and Algebra: the FoCaL approach
13. 19:30--20:00, Jean-Guillaume Dumas,
Session 8. Software for Optimization and Geometric Computation, Komei Fukuda, Michael Joswig
Date Sep. 2. Morning and afternoon.
1. 9:00-9:30, Lars Schewe,
Generation of oriented matroids using satisfiability solvers
2. 9:35-10:05, Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig,
Flexible object hierarchies in polymake
3. 10:10-10:40, Anders Nedergaard Jensen,
A presentation of the Gfan software,
4. 11:20:-11:40, Anton Leykin, Jan Verschelde, and Yan Zhuang,
Parallel Homotopy Algorithms to Solve Polynomial Systems
5. 11:45-12:15 Manuel Abellanas and Alfredo Vegas,
6. 15:30-16:00, Peter M Huggins,
iB4e: A Software Framework for Parametrizing Specialized LP Problems
7. 16:05-16:35, Thomas Gerstner and Markus Holtz,
Algorithms for the Cell Enumeration and Orthant Decomposition of Hyperplane Arrangements
8. 16:40-17:10, Colin N. Jones, Jan M. Maciejowski,
Primal-Dual Enumeration for Multiparametric Linear Programming
9. 17:30-18:00, Joshua D. Griffin, Tamara G.Kolda,
A parallel, asynchronous method for derivative-free nonlinear programs .
Session 9. Methods and software for computing mathematical functions, Amparo Gil, Javier Segura
Sep 2. Morning and afternoon
1. 10:20-11:00. Nico M. Temme,
Numerical Aspects of Special Functions.
2. 11:20-12:00. Nathalie Revol,
Computation of the error functions erf and erfc in arbitrary precision with correct rounding
4. 15:30--16:00. Mark Korenblit and Efraim Shmerling,
Algorithm and Software for Integration Over a Convex Polyhedron
3. 16:00-16:30. Alfredo Deano,
Computation of the real zeros of the Kummer function M(a;c;x)
5. 16:30-17:10. Annie Cuyt, Stefan Becuwe,
Towards reliable software for the evaluation of a class of special functions .
6. 17:30-18:10. Joris Van Deun, Ronald Cools,
A Matlab implementation of an algorithm for computing integrals of products of Bessel functions
Session 10. Access to Mathematics on the Web, Paul Libbrecht
Date: Sep 1, Afternoon.
1. 15:30-16:00, Zur'aini Dahlan and Noraimi Shafie,
Multimedia Prototype of a Bilingual Model within Technology Based Learning Environment: An Implementation of a Mathematics Learning Framework.
2. 16:00-16:30, Paul Libbrecht and Erica Melis,
Methods to Access and Retrieve Mathematical Content in ActiveMath
break and demo (??)
3. 17:15-17:45, Klaus Grue,
Logiweb, a system for web publication of mathematics
4. 17:45-18:30, Josef Urban,
Accessing Mizar and its Semantics on the Web ,
Session 0. General, Andres Iglesias and Nobuki Takayama
Date: Sep 2. Morning, afternoon, evening.
25 min for each talk.
1. 9:00--9:25, Anton Leykin, Jan Verschelde,
Interfacing with the Numerical Homotopy Algorithms in PHCpack
2. 9:30--9:55, Tetsuo Ida, Hidekazu Takahashi, Mircea Marin, Fadoua Ghourabi, and Asem Kasem,
Computational Construction of a Maximum Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in an Origami
3. 10:00--10:25, H.M. Buecker, A. Elsheikh, A. Vehreschild,
A System for Interfacing MATLAB with External Software Geared Toward Automatic Differentiation
4. 10:30--10:55, J.Van der Hoeven,
GNU TeXmacs: an editing platform for scientists.
5. 11:20--11:45, Tatsuyoshi Hamada, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kengo Iijima and Arimitsu Shikoda,
KNOPPIX/Math: Portable and distributable collection of mathematical software and free documents
6. 11:50--12:15, Fabrizio Caruso, Carlo Traverso,
Active Journal: an infrastructure to document algorithmic research. Short presentation followed with discussions.
7. 15:30--15:55, Kazuhiro Yokoyama,
Stability of Parametric Decomposition
8. 16:00--16:25, Manuel Delgado and Jose Morais,
On the GAP package sgpviz
9. 16:30--16:55, Francois Descouens,
Making research on (q,t)-deformations of Symmetric Functions using the MuPAD package MuPAD-Combinat
10. 17:20--17:45, Ainhoa Berciano-Alcaraz,
Symbolic software to compute $A_\infty$-structures
11. 17:50--18:15, Alvarez, Armario, Frau and Real,
Calculating cocyclic Hadamard matrices in Mathematica: exhaustive and heuristic searchs
12. 18:30--18:55, Hiromasa Nakayama,
An Interactive User Interface for Division Algorithms and the Buchberger Algorithm
13. 19:00--19:25, Hirokazu Murao,
Experiment of multithreading symbolic and algebraic computations with OpenMP
Evening Sessions
Sep 1. Room B. After session 6.
1. 18:30--19:00, Alfred G. Noel,
A general computational scheme for testing admissibility of nilpotent orbits of real Lie groups of inner type [From Session 1.]
Sep 2. Room B. After session 8.
2. 18:30--19:00, Daniel Lichtblau,
Making Change and Finding Repfigits: Balancing a Knapsack, [From Session 6]