DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. January 1, 2025 Q. configure of gmp stops with "fatal error: 'iostream' file not found" on MacOS. A. advices to do sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/ ; xcode-select --install March 12, 2021 Q. The build of asir2018 stops with the error X11/Xlib.h not found on MacOS. A. Please reinstall XQuartz, which will generate a symbolic link from /usr/X11 to /opt/X11. Please retry the build by cd OpenXM/src/asir2018; rm .*done ; make March 14, 2020 Q. OX server windows of icon form cannot be opened on Mac. A. It seems to be a bug of XQuartz X11 server. export OX_XTERM_GEOMETRY=80x20+0+0 OX server window will not be iconized with this environmental variable. cf. OpenXM/src/util/ox_pathfinder.c Jan 28, 2019 Q. Compiling stops with the error "recompile with -fPIC on Debian/stretch A. Fixed with --enable-shared option. It generates the warning unrecognized option on other systems. Sep 26, 2016. Q. cfep/asir does not run on Mac OS 10.11 ElCapitan. A. Mac OS ElCapitan ignores LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Please download the binary for ElCapitan static link version. Sep 26, 2016. Q. What is ctrl("fake_ox_reset",1); (asir)? A. A protocol to send ox_shutdown instead of ox_reset is added to OX RFC 100, because the implementation of ox_reset is not easy. Sending ox_reset is blocked by mathcap for servers which do not support ox_reset. If fake_ox_reset is 1, ox_reset command sends ox_shutdown instead to such servers. cf. oxrfc103.rr Feb 14, 2016. Q. The sysinfo() command Risa/Asir makes the segmentation fault. A. Locale variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, ... may contains an invalid value. For example, if you set foo to LC_CTYPE, sysinfo() makes the segmentation fault. Sep 29, 2015. Q. The ox_launch(0) of asir does not work on legacy linux like Debian etch. A. The xterm does not pass the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to its program executed with the -e option. Suppose that xxxyyy is the OpenXM_HOME. Become the super user, add xxxyyy/lib to /etc/ and execute ldconfig See also the FAQ on Dec 17, 2000. Nov 8, 2013. Q. Environmental variables are not set by loading it with source OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc (MacOS Mountain Lion) cd OpenXM/rc ; source ./dot.bashrc (./ is necessary) Please increase the stack size of the shell. The current size is reported by the command ulimit -a Sep 7, 2010. Q. How to install the startup codes for the TeXmacs interface? Please install the Debian package openxm-skel from If you do not get a new menu insert->session->OpenXM in the TeXmacs, copy files by the command cp -r /etc/skel/.TeXmacs ~ Dec 3, 2009/Aug 29, 2010. Mac OS Snow Leopard, CPU=intel core2 Q. The link with the gmp fails. We have not changed source codes for Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Please wait our updates of the source code. Todo: gc and gmp should be replaced with the latest versions. The last 3 lines of src/mcpp/work/mcpp-2.7.2/src/internal.H should be removed. sm1 accesses the internal structure of the gmp. We have to change the access code. If the compilation does not succeed, the following might solve the problem export ABI=32 cd OpenXM/src Nov 21, 2009. Mac OS Snow Leopard (10.6) Compilation fails for OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit on Mac OS Snow Leopard. cd OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib Sep 13, 2009. Installing openxm*.deb on Ubuntu 9.04 Q. I got an error on Ubuntu 9.04 when I tried to install the openxm debian package. 47 Illegal option -e , [: 47 :=: unexpected op. Please stop the install script by ctrl-C. The scripts /usr/local/OpenXM/bin/ and /usr/local/OpenXM/bin/ work on /bin/bash #!/bin/bash is written at the beginning of the script, but /bin/sh seems to be used on Ubuntu 9.04 (Why? If you find the reason, please kindly tell us). Please change /bin/sh to /bin/bash during the installation as below. sudo su - cd /bin cp sh sh.orig ln -s /bin/bash sh [Installing OpenXM package] rm /bin/sh cp /bin/sh.orig /bin/sh Sep 12, 2009. "sudo apt-get install openxm" generates files owned by root cd ~ sudo chown -R $USER OpenXM_tmp .TeXmacs Oct 9, 2006. Generating universal binaries for MacOS X. Example: gcc -arch i386 -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ox.c -o ox or gcc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ox.c -o ox-i386 gcc -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ox.c -o ox-ppc lipo -create ox-i386 ox-ppc -output ox Sep 2, 2004, Update for tigers (10.4) June 23, 2005. Q. How to make OpenXM package on MacOS X (10.3, panther)? [1] If you have not yet installed fink, install the fink system. The fink system is a Debian-like packaging system. The commands apt-get and dpkg are installed. [2] Open the xterm and install the command wget by apt-get apt-get install wget [3] Build the OpenXM package. The wget is used to download the source codes for gc and gmp by the ftp. In order to build documents properly, you need tex, ptex, and nkf. If you need only binary executables, you do not need these. Note for Mac OS X 10.4 (tiger) [A] When you install XcodeTools 2.1, gcc version 4.0 will be installed. There are several troubles when you build the OpenXM package with gcc-4.0. So, we need to use gcc-3.3 instead of gcc-4.0 (e.g., sudo gcc_select 3.3 ) The version of OpenXM/src/gc must be 6.5 (or later). If you do not have "wget", do as follows. cd OpenXM ; mkdir ../OpenXM_dist ; cd ../OpenXM_dist Copy all files in to OpenXM_dist before make. The environmental variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH must not be set. cf. OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc Feb 7, 2004 Q. On Solaris 5.5.1, the make of kan96xx stops with the error undefined symbol __register_frame_info A. Repalce OpenXM_contrib/gmp (version 4.1.2) by the gmp version 3.1.1 as follows. rm -rf OpenXM_contrib/gmp cvs -d checkout -D '2002-01-01 0:00' OpenXM_contrib/gmp As to anonymous cvs, see Nov 15, 2003 (For developpers) Q. The -m option for cvs commit does not work well. If you use cvs by the following shell file cvs -d $* change it as follows cvs -d "$@" Nov 11, 2003 Q. I fail the compilation on RedHat 8.0 Just after checking out the sources, execute the command " touch OpenXM/src/gc/.use_ports " and " make install ". During the make the source code of gc6.2 is downloaded, so your machine must be connected to the internet. May 9, 2003 Q. Asir cannot be built on Debian GNU/Linux. A. Install 'libxaw7-dev'. Note that you have to install 'libncurses5-dev' to build 'fep' in OpenXM_contrib2. April 23, 2003 Q. OpenXM servers cannot be invoked. (An window appears but vanishes immediately.) A. This is caused by an incomplete implementation of i18n of xterm in XFree86 4.3.0. Try one of the following: 1. Add the following line to your .Xdefaults, .Xresources etc. XTerm*locale:false 2. Remove environment variables such as LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL etc. March 7, 2003 (for developers) Q. The "configure" for asir2000 does not support a new operating system. A. See OpenXM/doc/HOWTO/asir2000-autoconf-note-ja (in Japanese). October 23, 2002 (for developer) Q. I want to add only a commit message to the CVS repository. A. Write a log in the file and cvs commit -f -F The revision number will be increased by 1. March 16, 2002 (for developer) Q. I want to make "asir" on cygwin We need XFree86 for cygwin to build asir on cygwin. You can download XFree86 from the homepage of the cygwin project. export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH cd OpenXM/src/asir2000 rm .*done make March 7, 2002 (for developer) Q. How to attach a tag to the head branch cvs rtag -r HEAD RELEASE_1_2_1 OpenXM OpenXM_contrib OpenXM_contrib2 December 27, 2001 (Windows) Q. The path for engine.exe is written in the registry. How to remove the data from the registry? start "regedit" from MSDOS command prompt and remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->FUJITSU->ASIR December 24, 2001 (Windows) Q. OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/asirgui2.bat stops with an error "Not enough area for environmental variables". This trouble happens on Windows 95/98/ME. Increase the area for environmental variables. (1) Staring the command prompt with command /e:5000 is the simplest way. (2) By msconfig (win98/ME) or sysedit (win95), set the value of the environmental variable shell to the value c:\windows\ /p /e:5000 August 10, 2001 (Windows, developer) Q. Shell scripts which start with ":" does not sometimes work on cygwin (for developers). It seems that this trouble happens when the login shell is csh. Please replace :'s in OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/cat0, OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/ar-decomp by #!/bin/sh May 6, 2001 (developer) Q. I want to replace tabs by spaces. (for developers) A. (For emacs). Esc x mark-whole-buffer Esc x indent-region Esc x untabify May 6, 2001 (developer) Q. I want to know symbol names that gcc defines. (for developers) A. Generate a dummy file foo.c and type in gcc -v -c foo.c Jan 18, 2001 (user, developer) Q. I cannot compile and execute OpenXM/src/ox_math (OpenXM support of Mathematica) on Debian potato. A (by Ohara). 1. Mathlink does now work properly under glibc2.1. See and replace libML.a 2. Install libc5 by apt-get install libc5 Dec 17, 2000 (user) Q. I cannot start xterm for some OpenXM servers on Debian potato. A (by Ohara). Reason: If you start a.out by "xterm -e a.out" on Debian 2.2, the value of the environmental variable is not given to a.out. Troubles: "oxc" is dynamically linked with$OpenXM_HOME/lib/, so oxc could not be started with "xterm -e oxc". A solution: Generate a symbolic link from to /lib For example, become the super user and input the follows: cd /lib ln -s $OpenXM_HOME/lib/ . ln -s $OpenXM_HOME/lib/ . Nov 30, 2000 (user) Q. I'm using Redhat Linux. Installation of the RPM package of openxm fails because libgd does not exists. (A) Search libgd at (B) Download libgd 1.3 and install it by rpm. You might find only the latest version of libgd at If you need to find older versions, try to find them at For example, libgd for Redhat 6.2 is at If you are using netscape, access to this site and shift+click gd-1.3-6 RPM for i386 Then, you can download gd-1.3-6.i386.rpm Sep 28, 2000 (user) Q. I cannot start remote ox servers with ssh. A. (A) Check if ssh works properly. For example, can you start xterm by the command ssh -f -X -A remote-machine-name xterm ? Some old versions of ssh do not accept options -X and -A. If you have such versions, change the value of ASIR_RSH in the shell script /usr/local/bin/asir. Example: ASIR_RSH='ssh -f ' If you cannot start xterm with the error "command not found", you need to add a path to .cshrc or .bashrc. Example: set path=(/usr/X11R6/bin $path) (.cshrc) export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH (.bashrc) (B) Asir of openXM version 1.1.3 cannot start remove ox servers by ssh if the login shell of the remote server is sh or bash. This bug will be fixed in the next release. (C) Now, try to start the ox_asir server from asir by the command: ox_launch(remote-host-name,"/usr/local/OpenXM/lib/asir","ox_asir"); If you couldn't add -v option to ASIR_RSH, and start ssh with the debug mode. It will help you. (Example: ASIR_RSH='ssh -v -f -X -A ' ) April 12, 2000. (user) Q. I installed OpenXM package by RPM (openxm*.rpm). Asir command returns /var/tmp/openxm-root/OpenXM/bin/asir is not found and I cannot start asir. A. Become root and type in the following command sequences: cd /usr/local/OpenXM/rc make clean; make install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How to use functions for LLL algorithm in pari? A. gp (Starting pari) x = [1,0 ; 0,1] (Define a matrix. Do not use [[1,0],[0,1]].) qflll(x) Q. How to use functions for LLL algorithm in asir by calling pari? A. asir X = newmat(2,2,[[1,0],[0,1]]); pari(lll,X);