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OpenXM (Open message eXchange for Mathematics):
The News
What is OpenXM?
It is an infrastructure for mathematical
We propose standards for mathematical computation
We will also support OpenMath
which works for the standardization of mathematical data.
The project is also making experiments to connect mathematical
software systems each other on the infrastructure.
We are providing packages of mathematical software systems
supporting the OpenXM protocol.
Please view screenshots
of OpenXM packages.
Here is a quick tour of the OpenXM package:
functions 1,
functions 2,
Efficient computation.
contains the latest distribution of the OpenXM package, the documents and
the latest specifications.
Papers and Tutorials
- The Design and Implementation of OpenXM-RFC 100 and 101
The WWW interface for OpenXM CVS Repositry
Links and Archive
- Risa/Asir (Kobe distribution) download (for unix, windows, mac)
Asir download].
- Mathematical data/projects
- OpenXM 1.1.1 (20000124) [ 1.1.1 (January 24, 2000) Experimental ].
- OpenXM 1.1.2 [ 1.1.2 (March 20, 2000) Stable].
- OpenXM 1.1.3 [ 1.1.3 (September 26, 2000) ].
- OpenXM 1.2.1 [ 1.2.1 (March 2, 2002)].
- OpenXM 1.2.2 [ 1.2.2 (May 13, 2003)].
- OpenXM 1.2.3 [ 1.2.3 (February, 2005)].
- OpenXM 1.2.3-10 [ 1.2.3-10 (February, 2008)].
- OpenXM 1.2.3-12 [ 1.2.3-12 (February, 2009)].
- ftp://ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/XXX no longer works. Use http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/XXX instead.
- See the news archive for the archive of debians packages.
If you like, you may use the following to cite our project.
OpenXM, a project to integrate mathematical software systems, 1998--2005,
openxm2005@math.Xkobe-u.Xac.Xjp (please replace ".X" by ".")
$OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/top.html,v 1.47 2022/03/26 00:18:23 takayama Exp $