RIMS workshop, Algebraic Statistics and Symbolic Computation

Venue: RIMS, Kyoto University , Room 420.
July 25 (Mon) 

  11:00--12:00  (Registration)

  13:00--13:45  Nobuki Takayama (Kobe Univ.) 
      A-Hypergeometric Distribution and Newton Polytopes.

  14:00--14:45  Hidefumi Ohsugi (Kwansei Gakuin)
      Toric Ideals of Fractional Factorial Designs

  15:00--15:45  Akimichi Takemura (Shiga Univ)
      Use of Asymptotics for Holonomic Gradient Method, abstract 

  16:00--16:45  Takayuki Hibi (Osaka Univ)
      Binomial Ideals Arising in Combinatorics

July 26 (Tue) 
Session by Mateusz Michalek.

  Winfried Bruns (University of Osnabrueck)
  Products of Borel fixed ideals of maximal minors

  Jaroslaw Buczynski  (Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Warsaw)
  Apolarity and geometry

  Greg Blekherman (Georgia tech. Univ.) 
  Do sums of squares dream of free resolutions?

  Mateusz Michalek (Freie universitaet berlin and polish academy of sciences)
  Real rank of ternary forms

July 27 (Wed) 
 Session: Holonomic Gradient Method in Statistics.

  9:00 -- 9:45   Constantin Siriteanu (Osaka Univ)
  Computer-Algebra-Aided Performance Evaluation of Next-Generation Wireless Communication Systems.

  10:00 -- 10:45  Yoshiaki Goto (Kobe Univ.),  
  Twisted Cohomology Groups and 2 Way Contingency Tables.

  11:00 -- 11:45  Tamio Koyama (Shiga Univ.),  
  Simplex Probability.

  13:30 -- 13:55  Shuhei Mano (Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
  The A-hypergeometric system associated with the rational normal curve 
  and statistical inferences of exchangeable random structures
  14:00 -- 14:25 Katsuyoshi Ohara (Kanazawa Univ.), 
                 Katsusuke Nabeshima (Tokushima Univ.),
                 Sinichi Tajima (Tsukuba Univ.)
  Comprehensive Groebner System for Parametric Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Ideals

  14:30 -- 14:55 Satoshi Aoki (Kobe Univ.),  
  Algebraic Construction of Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs           

  15:00 -- 15:15 Yoshihito Tachibana (Kobe Univ.),
  A Modular Method for Evaluating Normalizing Constants

July 28 (Thu) 
Session "Symbolic Computation and Systems of Differential/Difference Equations" 
by Christoph Koutschan.  Abstracts 

  9:00-- 9:45
  Ruyong Feng (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science)
  Parallel Differential Telescoping

  10:55--11:55 Christoph Koutschan (RICAM Linz)
  Reduction-Based Creative Telescoping for Algebraic Functions

  13:30--14:30 Maximilian Jaroschek (Technische Universitat Wien)
  Desingularization of First Order Linear Difference Systems
  with Rational Function Coefficients

  Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos (Gabze Technical Univ.)
  Polyhedra, Symbolic Computation and Applications  

July 29 (Fri) 

Session: Polyhedral Computations 

9:00 - 9:45  Michael Joswig (TU Berlin) 
Tight spans and matroid splits

10:00 - 10:45  Simon Hampe (TU Berlin) 
Tropical convex hull computations

11:00 - 11:45  David Bremner (U New Brunswick) 
Margin and Overlap for Convex Bodies

13:30 - 14:15  Skip Jordan (Hokkaido University)
Parallel vertex and facet enumeration with mplrs

14:30 - 16:00  Discussions



WiFi: eduroam covers the RIMS, Kyoto University.

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