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CC -- the class of all complex numbers


In Macaulay 2, complex numbers are represented as floating point numbers, and so are only approximate. The symbol ii represents the square root of -1.

i1 : z = 3-4*ii

o1 = 3. - 4.ii

o1 : CC
i2 : z^5

o2 = - 237. + 3116.ii

o2 : CC
i3 : 1/z

o3 = 0.12 + 0.16ii

o3 : CC
Arithmetic involving ZZ, QQ, RR, and CC works as one might expect.
i4 : 3 + ii

o4 = 3. + 1.ii

o4 : CC
i5 : 4/5 + 12*ii

o5 = 0.8 + 12.ii

o5 : CC
i6 : 3 == 3 + 0*ii

o6 = true
i7 : (2-ii)^5

o7 = - 38. - 41.ii

o7 : CC
i8 : (1+ii)/3

o8 = 0.333333 + 0.333333ii

o8 : CC


Strictly speaking, CC is not a ring, since floating point approximations are used. Consequently, functions which rely on Groebner bases are notoriously unreliable with rings such as RR or CC.

Functions and methods returning a complex number :

Methods that use a complex number :

Fixed objects of class CC :

For the programmer

The object CC is a ring, with ancestor classes Number < Thing.