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ICfractions -- Compute the fractions integral over a domain.



i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z]/ideal(x^6-z^6-y^2*z^4);
i2 : S = ICfractions R

o2 = | x3/z2 x2/z x y z |

                   QQ [x, y, z]  1             QQ [x, y, z]  5
o2 : Matrix (frac --------------)  <--- (frac --------------)
                   6    2 4    6               6    2 4    6
                  x  - y z  - z               x  - y z  - z
i3 : integralClosure(R,Variable => a)

     QQ [w , w , x, y, z, MonomialOrder => GRevLex => 5]
          7   6
o3 = ---------------------------------------------------
          2                    2         2    2    2
        (x  - w z, w x - w z, w  - w x, w  - y  - z )
               6    6     7    6    7    7

o3 : QuotientRing
Thus the new variables w_7 and w_6 correspond to the fractions respectively. The program currently also returns the original variables as part of the matrix. In this way the user can see if any are simplified out of the ring during the process of computing the integral closure.

Ways to use ICfractions :