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ICmap -- natural map from an affine domain into its integral closure.



Note that if an integrally closed ring is given as input, the identity map from the ring to itself is returned.
i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z]/ideal(x^6-z^6-y^2*z^4);
i2 : ICmap R

         QQ [w , w , x, y, z, MonomialOrder => GRevLex => 5]
              7   6
o2 = map(---------------------------------------------------,R,{x, y, z})
              2                    2         2    2    2
            (x  - w z, w x - w z, w  - w x, w  - y  - z )
                   6    6     7    6    7    7

             QQ [w , w , x, y, z, MonomialOrder => GRevLex => 5]
                  7   6
o2 : RingMap --------------------------------------------------- <--- R
                  2                    2         2    2    2
                (x  - w z, w x - w z, w  - w x, w  - y  - z )
                       6    6     7    6    7    7

Ways to use ICmap :