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MENU -- hypertext menu item


This hyeprtext item is intended to be used at most once per page, at the end. When converted by info, it produces the Menu at the end of the page.
i1 : DIV { PARA "Hi there.",
         MENU { "some topics", TO "topic a", TO "topic b", "more topics", TO "topic c" } }
--warning: tag has no documentation: User :: topic a, key "topic a"
--warning: tag has no documentation: User :: topic b, key "topic b"
--warning: tag has no documentation: User :: topic c, key "topic c"

o1 = Hi there.


     some topics

       * "topic a" -- missing documentation
       * "topic b" -- missing documentation

     more topics

       * "topic c" -- missing documentation

o1 : DIV
i2 : info oo

o2 = Hi there.

     * Menu:

     some topics
     * topic a::                     missing documentation
     * topic b::                     missing documentation

     more topics
     * topic c::                     missing documentation
i3 : html ooo

o3 = <div><p>Hi there.</p>
     <h4>some topics</h4>
     <ul><li><span><a href="share/doc/Macaulay2/User/html/_topic_spa.html" title="missing documentation">topic a</a> -- missing documentation</span></li>
     <li><span><a href="share/doc/Macaulay2/User/html/_topic_spb.html" title="missing documentation">topic b</a> -- missing documentation</span></li>
     <h4>more topics</h4>
     <ul><li><span><a href="share/doc/Macaulay2/User/html/_topic_spc.html" title="missing documentation">topic c</a> -- missing documentation</span></li>

For the programmer

The object MENU is an intermediate mark-up type, with ancestor classes HypertextParagraph < Hypertext < BasicList < Thing.