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PrintNames -- table of printed forms of objects


This table is intended mainly for internal use. Whether the table gets consulted upon conversion to a net or string depends on the type of thing being converted, and is a little haphazard. Nevertheless, it is a useful mechanism for arranging for things to print in an understandable form. We may eliminate it in a future version.
i1 : hashTable apply(pairs PrintNames, (k,v) -> (v,class k))

o1 = HashTable{-infinity => InfiniteNumber                                  }
               Classic#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               Classic.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               Core#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               Core.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               Elimination#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               Elimination.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               infinity => InfiniteNumber
               LLLBases#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               LLLBases.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               Parsing#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               Parsing.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               PrimaryDecomposition#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               PrimaryDecomposition.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               SchurRings#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               SchurRings.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               TangentCone#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               TangentCone.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary
               User#"private dictionary" => GlobalDictionary
               User.Dictionary => GlobalDictionary

o1 : HashTable

See also

For the programmer

The object PrintNames is a mutable hash table.