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Macaulay2 > rings > monomial orderings > examples of specifying alternate monomial orders

examples of specifying alternate monomial orders

For definitions of these monomial orders, see GRevLex, Lex, Weights, Eliminate, GroupLex, GroupRevLex, product orders, RevLex, and NCLex.

Graded reverse lexicographic order

i1 : R = ZZ[a..d];
i2 : a+b^100+c*d

o2 = b    + c*d + a

o2 : R

Lexicographic order

i3 : R = ZZ[a..d, MonomialOrder=>Lex];
i4 : a+b^100+c*d

o4 = a + b    + c*d

o4 : R

Weight order

i5 : R = ZZ[a..d, MonomialOrder => Weights => {201,2}];
i6 : a+b^100+c*d

o6 = a + b    + c*d

o6 : R

Graded lexicographic order

i7 : R = ZZ[a..d, MonomialOrder=>{Weights=>4:1,Lex}];
i8 : a+b^100+c*d

o8 = b    + c*d + a

o8 : R

Elimination order

To use an elimination order, which eliminates the first 2 variables, use
i9 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder=>Eliminate 2];
i10 : a+b^100+c*d

o10 = b    + a + c*d

o10 : R
Alternatively, use a weight vector
i11 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder=>Weights=>2:1];
i12 : a+b^100+c*d

o12 = b    + a + c*d

o12 : R

Product (block) order

To make a product order where each block has the GRevLex order:
i13 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder=>{2,4}];
i14 : a^2*(c+d) + b*(c^100+d^100)*(c + e + f)

       2     2       101        100      100       100       100       100
o14 = a c + a d + b*c    + b*c*d    + b*c   e + b*d   e + b*c   f + b*d   f

o14 : R
The orders in each block can be other orders as well.
i15 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder=>{Weights=>2:1,Lex}]

o15 = R

o15 : PolynomialRing
i16 : a^2*(c+d) + b*(c^100+d^100)*(c + e + f)

       2     2       101      100       100         100      100       100
o16 = a c + a d + b*c    + b*c   e + b*c   f + b*c*d    + b*d   e + b*d   f

o16 : R


This order is useful for making degree rings, and allows some variables to appear with negative exponent.
i17 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder => GroupLex => 3];
i18 : a^-2*(c+d) + b*(c^100+d^100)*(c + e + f)

         101      100       100         100      100       100     -2     -2
o18 = b*c    + b*c   e + b*c   f + b*c*d    + b*d   e + b*d   f + a  c + a  d

o18 : R


This order is useful for making degree rings, and allows some variables to appear with negative exponent. Not implemented yet.


Warning: this is a local ordering, not a global ordering.
i19 : R = ZZ[a..f, MonomialOrder=>RevLex, Global=>false];
i20 : a^2*(c+d) + b*(c^100+d^100)*(c + e + f)

         100       100         100      100       100       101    2     2
o20 = b*d   f + b*d   e + b*c*d    + b*c   f + b*c   e + b*c    + a d + a c

o20 : R


For non-commutative Groebner bases. Not implemented yet.

See also