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gbTrace -- provide tracing output during various computations in the engine.


gbTrace = n -- set the tracing level for the engine to level n. Meaningful values for the user n are 0, 1, 2, and 3.

The notations used in tracing are :

  • g - a generator reduced to something nonzero and has been added to the basis.
  • m - an S-pair reduced to something nonzero and has been added to the basis.
  • z - an S-pair reduced to zero, and a syzygy has been recorded.
  • u - an S-pair reduced to zero, but the syzygy need not be recorded.
  • o - an S-pair or generator reduced to zero, but no new syzygy occurred.
  • r - an S-pair has been removed.
  • {2} - beginning to reduce the S-pairs of degree 2.
  • (7) - 7 more S-pairs need to be reduced.
  • (8,9) - there are 8 S-pairs to do in this degree, and 9 more in higher degrees.
  • . - a minor has been computed, or something has happened while computing a resolution.

For the programmer

The object gbTrace is an integer.