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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > packages > installPackage

installPackage -- load and install a package and its documentation



The main action of this routine is to generate the documentation of the given package and install the Macaulay2 package and documentation.

The actual file loaded is PACKAGENAME.m2, which should be on the load path and should contain a package named PACKAGENAME.

In order to accomplish this, several steps are performed, or bypassed, depending on the optional parameters.

  • load the package, if not already loaded
  • determine which help pages have changed since last install
  • run any new or previously failed examples, or all examples, as specified by the RemakeAllExamples option
  • generate the html pages of modified help pages, or all html pages, as specificed by the RemakeAllDocumentation option
  • generate the info pages, or not, as specified by the MakeInfo option
  • install the documentation and package in the location specified by the PackagePrefix option
  • create symbolic links in the location specified by the InstallPrefix option
  • place a link to this html documentation in the file index.html in the user's application directory; see makePackageIndex

See also

Ways to use installPackage :