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ofClass -- English phrases for types



When viewed in html, words in the phrase hot link(s) to the documentation node(s) for the class(es).

i1 : ofClass class 3

o1 = an integer

o1 : SPAN
i2 : peek oo

o2 = SPAN{"an ", TO2{User :: ZZ, "integer"}}
i3 : ofClass Ring

o3 = a ring

o3 : SPAN
i4 : SPAN ofClass {HashTable, ProjectiveVariety}

o4 = a hash table or a projective variety

o4 : SPAN
i5 : document { Key => foo, "We may need ", ofClass ZZ, " and ", ofClass HashTable, "." }
i6 : help foo

o6 = foo


     We may need an integer and a hash table.

     For the programmer

     The object "foo" is a symbol.

o6 : DIV

Ways to use ofClass :