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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > lists and sequences > VisibleList > List

List -- the class of all lists -- {...}


For an overview of lists and sequences, see lists and sequences.

Lists in Macaulay2 consist of elements of any type, enclosed in braces, and separated by commas.
i1 : L = {a,1,b,2}

o1 = {a, 1, b, 2}

o1 : List
The length of a list has two notations, the version with the # is faster when writing programs.
i2 : #L, length L

o2 = (4, 4)

o2 : Sequence
The first entry of the list has index 0. Indexing is performed using #.
i3 : L#2

o3 = b

o3 : Symbol

Lists in Macaulay2 are immutable. See MutableList for making and using lists that you may modify.

In Macaulay2, there are several kinds of lists, the main difference being their notation. These include Array and Sequence. See VisibleList.

Functions and methods returning a list :

Methods that use a list :

Fixed objects of class List :

For the programmer

The object List is a type, with ancestor classes VisibleList < BasicList < Thing.