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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > operators


Here we present all of the unary and binary operators in the language. They are members of the class Keyword. The binary operators are != # #? % & * ** + ++ , - -> . .. .? / // : := ; < <- << <= <==> = =!= == === ===> ==> => > >= >> ? @ @@ \ \\ ^ ^** ^^ _ | |- || and or SPACE , the unary prefix operators are # * + , - < << <= > >= ? |- not , and the unary postfix operators are ! (*) , ; ~ .

Of those, the ones for which users may install new methods are the binary operators % & * ** + ++ - .. / // : << <==> == ===> ==> >> ? @ @@ \ \\ ^ ^** ^^ _ | |- || and or SPACE , the unary prefix operators * + - < << <= > >= ? |- not , and the unary postfix operators (*) ~ .



equality testing

comparison of objects



subscripting and object access

arithmetic operators

miscellaneous operators

built in operators

further information