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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > variables


Valid names for symbols may be constructed using letters, digits, and the apostrophe, and should not begin with a digit.
i1 : x

o1 = x

o1 : Symbol
i2 : q0r55

o2 = q0r55

o2 : Symbol
i3 : f'

o3 = f'

o3 : Symbol
Some symbols have preassigned meanings and values. For example, symbols consisting of the letter o followed by a number are used to store output values.
i4 : o2

o4 = q0r55

o4 : Symbol
Other symbols refer to functions built into Macaulay 2 that provide much of its functionality.

Sometimes, one wants the symbol, rather than the particular value it happens to have at the moment. For example after setting the value of x to 5, the value of the variable x is no longer the symbol x. Use symbol to recover the symbol itself.

i5 : x=5

o5 = 5
i6 : x

o6 = 5
i7 : symbol x

o7 = x

o7 : Symbol

See also
