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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > system facilities > version

version -- information about this version of the program



The values stored in this hash table depend on the source code version the architecture for which the program was compiled, and the libraries (both static and dynamic) against which the program is linked.
i1 : version

o1 = HashTable{architecture => i686                             
               compile node name => rhodium
               compile time => Jul 14 2006, 23:08:20
               compiler => gcc 4.1.1
               configure arguments => {--prefix=/capybara/encap,
               dumpdata => true
               executable extension => 
               factory version => 3.0.2
               gc version => 6.7
               gmp version => 4.2.1
               libfac version => 3.0.1
               M2 name => M2
               M2 suffix => 
               ntl version => 5.4
               operating system => Linux
               operating system release => 2.6.16
               readline version => 5.1
               VERSION => 0.9.20

     --with-lapacklibs=-llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -lg2c, CC=gcc,

     CPPFLAGS=-I/capybara/include, LDFLAGS=-L/capybara/lib, LDLIBS=-ldl,


o1 : HashTable

For the programmer

The object version is a hash table.