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Macaulay2 > The Macaulay2 language > while

while -- while loops



i1 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list i^2 do i = i+1

o2 = {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81}

o2 : List

The list x clause may be omitted, in which case no list is accumulated, and null is returned as the value of the expression.

i3 : i = 0 ; while i < 4 do (print i; i = i+1)

Alternatively, the do z clause may be omitted.

i5 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list (i = i+1; i^2)

o6 = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100}

o6 : List

Observe the use of the semicolon (see ;) in the expression above.

If continue is executed by x then execution of x is interrupted, no value is added to the list, and iteration of the loop continues.

i7 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list (i = i+1; if odd i then continue; i^2)

o8 = {4, 16, 36, 64, 100}

o8 : List

If continue w is executed by x then execution of x is interrupted, the value of w is added to the list, and iteration of the loop continues.

i9 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list (i = i+1; if odd i then continue x; i^2)

o10 = {x, 4, x, 16, x, 36, x, 64, x, 100}

o10 : List

If break v is executed by x, then the loop is stopped and v is returned as its value.

i11 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list (i = i+1; if i == 5 then break i; i^2)

o12 = 5

If break is executed by x, then the loop is stopped and the list accumulated so far is returned as the value.

i13 : i = 0 ; while i < 10 list (i = i+1; if i == 5 then break; i^2)

o14 = {1, 4, 9, 16}

o14 : List

For the programmer

The object while is a keyword.