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SelfInitializingType -- the class of all self initializing types


A self initializing type X will produce an instance of X from initial data v with the expression X v.

i1 : X = new SelfInitializingType of BasicList

o1 = X

o1 : SelfInitializingType
i2 : x = X {1,2,3}

o2 = X{1, 2, 3}

o2 : X
i3 : class x

o3 = X

o3 : SelfInitializingType

Command is an example of a self initializing type.

See also

Types of self initializing type :

Methods that use a self initializing type :

Fixed objects of class SelfInitializingType :

For the programmer

The object SelfInitializingType is a type, with ancestor classes Type < MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.