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Command -- the class of all commands



A command behaves as a function does if it is followed by an adjacent expression which can serve as its argument or argument list. In addition, if it appears as the value of an expression typed by the user at top level (i.e., not in a file), then it gets executed with empty argument list.
i1 : (f = Command ( () -> 2^30 );)
i2 : f

o2 = 1073741824
i3 : (c = Command "date";)
i4 : c
Fri Jul 14 23:48:07 CDT 2006

o4 = 0

See also

Functions and methods returning a command :

Methods that use a command :

Fixed objects of class Command :

For the programmer

The object Command is a self initializing type, with ancestor classes BasicList < Thing.