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Macaulay2 > rings > basic rings of numbers

basic rings of numbers

The following rings are initially present in every session with Macaulay 2. The names of some of these rings are double letters so the corresponding symbols with single letters are preserved for use as variables.

Numbers in these rings are constructed as follows.

i1 : 1234

o1 = 1234
i2 : 123/4

o2 = ---

o2 : QQ
i3 : 123.4

o3 = 123.4

o3 : RR
i4 : 123+4*ii

o4 = 123. + 4.ii

o4 : CC
The usual arithmetic operations are available.
i5 : 4/5 + 2/3

o5 = --

o5 : QQ
i6 : 10^20

o6 = 100000000000000000000
i7 : 3*5*7

o7 = 105
i8 : 3.1^2.1

o8 = 10.7612

o8 : RR
i9 : sqrt 3.

o9 = 1.73205

o9 : RR
An additional pair of division operations that produce integer quotients and remainders is available.
i10 : 1234//100

o10 = 12
i11 : 1234%100

o11 = 34