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edit -- edit source code


edit -- a command which starts the text editor
edit f -- starts the text editor at the source code of the function f.
edit(f,X) -- edits the source code of the particular method that would be applied if f were applied to an argument of class X.
edit(f,X,Y) -- edits the source code of the particular method that would be applied if f were applied to arguments of classes X and Y.
edit(f,X,Y,Z) -- edits the source code of the particular method that would be applied if f were applied to arguments of classes X, Y, and Z.

The name of the user's preferred editor is take from the environment variable EDITOR. If X is running and the editor is not emacs, then the editor is started in a new xterm window.

For an interactive example, try edit(dim,Module).

The value returned is the exit code returned by the editor, as with run, usually zero.

For the programmer

The object edit is a command.