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Macaulay2 > rings > graded and multigraded polynomial rings

graded and multigraded polynomial rings

It is possible to set up a polynomial ring so that the degree of an element is a vector of integers. For this, the option Degrees is used, together with a list of degrees for the variables in the ring. Each degree is itself a list of integers. The degrees given must all be of the same length, and length zero is allowed, to get an ungraded ring.
i1 : R = ZZ/101[a,b,c,Degrees=>{{1,2},{2,1},{1,0}}]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : describe R

o2 = --- [a, b, c, Degrees => {{1, 2}, {2, 1}, {1, 0}}]
i3 : degree a

o3 = {1, 2}

o3 : List
i4 : degree b^2

o4 = {4, 2}

o4 : List
i5 : degree 0_R

o5 = -infinity

o5 : InfiniteNumber
i6 : degree 1_R

o6 = {0, 0}

o6 : List
A random element of bi-degree {m,n} can be obtained with random.
i7 : random({15,15},R)

        5 5     6 3 3      7   6
o7 = 35a b  - 2a b c  - 22a b*c

o7 : R
The function degree applied to a polynomial will return the least upper bound of the degrees of its monomials.
i8 : degree (a+b)

o8 = {2, 2}

o8 : List
We may recover the number of integers in each degree list for our ring as follows.
i9 : degreeLength R

o9 = 2
i10 : degreeLength ZZ

o10 = 0

The case when the first degree of some variable is not positive

The only restriction on degrees is that the entries be small integer values, possibly zero or negative. The notion of small depends on the size of exponents one wants: the degree of each monomial occuring should fit in a 32 bit integer (or 64 bit integer, on 64 bit machines).

Nonetheless, there are several routines (e.g., basis, random) which require that each multidegree be finite dimensional, and therefore require a Heft vector. This is a vector of (small) integers, w = (w0, ..., wd-1) of length the degreeLength of the ring, such that the dot product of w with the degree of each variable is a positive integer. Provide this vector when constructing the ring.

i11 : R = QQ[a,b,c,Degrees=>{{1,0},{-2,1},{-3,1}}, Heft=>{1,4}];
i12 : random({1,1},R)

        7  3    9  4
o12 = - -*a b - -*a c
        2       8

o12 : R
i13 : basis({1,1},R)

o13 = | a4c a3b |

              1       2
o13 : Matrix R  <--- R
If the vector is not provided, many computations will work (e.g., Groebner bases), but operations requiring finite bases for a multidegree (such as basis and random) will raise errors.