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MarkUpTypeWithOptions -- the class of mark-up types used with hypertext, with option handling


Some mark-up types allow options (attributes) to be inserted in their html tags.
i1 : DIV ( "class" => "waystouse", SUBSECTION {"Ways to use ", TT "resolution", ":"},
         "There are many ways to use ", TO "resolution", "."

o1 = Ways to use resolution:

     There are many ways to use "resolution".

o1 : DIV
i2 : html oo
--warning: tag has no documentation: User :: resolution, key symbol resolution

o2 = <div class="waystouse"><h2>Ways to use <tt>resolution</tt>:</h2>
     There are many ways to use <a href="share/doc/Macaulay2/User/html/_
     resolution.html" title="missing documentation">resolution</a>.</div>

Fixed objects of class MarkUpTypeWithOptions :

For the programmer

The object MarkUpTypeWithOptions is a type, with ancestor classes MarkUpType < SelfInitializingType < Type < MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.