RIMS Project Research
Number Theory and Probability
September 13-15, 2010
RIMS, Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Speakers and Titles
P. Biane
(1) Brownian motion on matrices and the Riemann zeta function
(2) Functional equation for Riemann zeta function, scattering and
Painlevé equations
T. K. Duy
Besicovitch's limit periodic functions and Lq-spaces over the ring
of finite integral adeles
T. Fujita
Special values of the Riemann zeta function via probability theory
L. Hughston
Number-theoretic aspects of the zeta distribution
H. Kaneko
A fractal theoretic grip on Dirichlet forms on the ring of p-adic integers
A. Laurincikas
(1) Value -distribution of twisted L-functions of certain cusp forms.
(2) Value-distribution theorems for multiplicative functions.
K. Matsumoto
(1) On the value-distributuion of log L and L'/L (I)
(2) On the value-distributuion of log L and L'/L (II)
T. Morita
Dynamical zeta functions for a class of
renormalized Rauzy-Veech-Zorich inductions
T. Nakamura
The generalized strong recurrence for the Riemann zeta function
Y. Okabe
(1) Riemann's zeta function and T-positivity (1):
ordinary diffenrential equation with time delay
(2) Riemann's zeta function and T-positivity (2):
Kummer function
K. Yasuda
Adelic processes and number theoretical functions
M. Yor
(1) Some new limit theorems in probability theory, due to J. Jacod,
A. Nikeghbali, et al. (I)
(2) Some new limit theorems in probability theory, due to J. Jacod,
A. Nikeghbali, et al. (II)