RIMS Project Research

Summer School on the Theory of Uniform Distribution

August 23-25, 2010

Kansai Seminar House

Kyoto, Japan

Aim and Scope

This summer school consists of series of lectures by three specialists working on boundary areas between number theory and probability theory. The main goal is to encourage graduate students and young researchers who are interested in further study.

Program (pdf file)

Speakers and Titles (Lectures are given in Japanese)

K. Fukuyama Metric discrepancy results for geometric progressions and its variations I, II, III
S. Ito Multi-dimensional continued fraction algorithm and uniform distribution I,II,III
J. Tamura p-adic values of rational continued fractions and hermitian canonical forms of integer matrices. I,II,III

RIMS Project Research 2010
Japan-Korea Workshop on Number Theory and Ergodic Theory: July 26-30, 2010
Summer School on the Theory of Uniform Distribution: August 23-25, 2010
Number Theory and Probability (SPA Satellite): September 13-15, 2010
Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects: December 13-17, 2010
Workshop on various zeta functions and related topics: December 21 and 22, 2010

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Contact: ntpt2010(at)kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp