RIMS Project Research

Japan-Korea Workshop on Number Theory and Ergodic Theory

July 26-30, 2010

RIMS, Kyoto University

Kyoto, Japan

Aim and Scope

The aim of this workshop is to encourage the collaboration among Chinese, Korean and Japanese mathematicians who are working on arithmetics and dynamics. There will be lectures in the morning and then free discussions in the afternoon.

Program (pdf file)

Speakers and Titles

Dong Han Kim Metric inhomogeneous diophantine approximation on the field of formal Laurent series
Rie Natsui Euclidean algorithm over Fq [X]
Jeong Yup Lee Discrete spectrum and the Meyer property on substitution point sets
Hitoshi Nakada On the dynamics of fully subtractive algorithm
Shigeki Akiyama Pisot conjecture and finite cocycles
Hajime Kaneko On the fractional parts of geometric progressions
Bo Tan Sturmian sequences and invertible substitutions
Shunji Ito On substitutions related to the Rauzy induction of 4-interval exchange transformations
DoYong Kwon Reciprocal polynomials having zeros on the unit circle, and application to Pisot and Salem numbers
Hiromi Ei Tilings and atomic surfaces generated by automorphisms related to some quadratic polynomials

RIMS Project Research 2010
Japan-Korea Workshop on Number Theory and Ergodic Theory: July 26-30, 2010
Summer School on the Theory of Uniform Distribution: August 23-25, 2010
Number Theory and Probability (SPA Satellite): September 13-15, 2010
Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects: December 13-17, 2010
Workshop on various zeta functions and related topics: December 21 and 22, 2010

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